Washdown Facility’s

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Rachel Alford.
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  • #2610
    Justin Venn

      Hello there

      I was hoping you could answer some of the following questions in regards to the current washdown facility’s.

      1. What are the current washdown high pressure pump specification. I am looking for information on the Liters per min delivery and the power consumption of the pump. Can you also provide the information on the delivery pressure of the pump.

      2. Can you provided any information on the current spray arrangement ? How many sprays are installed over what area ?

      3. Piping size that is used to deliver water to the sprays.

      If you could assist with providing the above it will enable our team to look at suitable options in regards to alternate power supply and optimized sprays.


      Rachel Alford

        Hi Justin,

        I’ve answered these questions here for you:

        Washdown Facility’s


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