1.8 Retaining walls follow up question

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Structures 1.8 Retaining walls follow up question

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  • #4318
    Muhammad Izzul Hakimi bin Roslan

      With regards to Thomas Kiess’s post, I would like to further clarify regarding the length/size of the structure. I have looked at Google Earth and the Dungarra Interactives. The length of the structure could go anywhere from 200 m to 2.2 km, thus would that mean it would be up to our own decision. As stated in Thomas Kiess’s posts there is no area that has the most severe erosion, and hence we should prioritize stabilizing Redden Island and prevent any more coastal erosion.

      As such would it be plausible if my group and I decided on a structure that spans around Redden Island (thus would be around 2.2 km) to maximize the reduction of Coastal Erosion. Or would such a decision be undesirable for the challenge, as a longer structure would cost more to create and certainly a lot more if need to be maintained as opposed to a shorter one of 200 m. This is because in the Design Brief it only specified low-cost and there’s no budget range. I just hope that by designing a larger structure, it will not penalize us in the project.

      Thanks, and Regards,


      Rachel Alford

        Hi Hakimi,

        Great questions, and it’s fantastic to see you taking into consideration Dawul Wuru’s identified needs in regards to this project, as well as weighing up the benefits and drawbacks to different approaches.

        As you’ve mentioned, the Design Brief specifies a low-cost option, and, as you’ve correctly pointed out, a structure that spans the entirety of Dungarra (Redden Island) would be of a significant cost to deploy and maintain.

        I would encourage you to think about your design not as an either/or situation, but rather how can you make your design be scalable so that it can be deployed at different lengths. For example, Dawul Wuru have identified that the river banks of the Barron River on Dungarra are of most concern – could you design a solution which would could be deployed in that location for a reasonable cost, but could also be applied at a larger scale around the rest of Dungarra if/when more funding becomes available?

        If you haven’t had a look already, the FAQs: Big Tricky Questions document speaks a bit about how to think about budgets and scalability of projects which can help guide your thinking.

        I hope this helps, good luck with your project!

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