Search Results for 'bush tucker'

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  • #8086

    In reply to: 5.2 Mangroves

    Jean Aquinde

      You’re welcome, Andrew!

      Thanks for generously sharing your design ideas in this forum. Your team has put a lot of thought into identifying some pros and cons of each project idea, and I can see that you’re considering narrowing down your options with feasibility in mind. To help you with this, I suggest that you perform a design options matrix to make this selection process more systematic. Please look at our Previous Top Reports page, such as the Nursery for cultivating bush tucker, where the student team defined the design criteria and each group member provided rankings. Please make sure to check our recommended Design Considerations specific to Saibai Island.

      At this stage, we are unable to consult with TSIRC, which among the list has been trialled before. However, during our scoping trip, we identified Project 6 —Implementation of a mangrove nursery, known as the Saibai Mekem Garden community project, as an ongoing project in Saibai Island. You can read more about this in our Design Area 5—Climate Change Adaptation design brief.

      I hope this helps!


      • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by Jean Aquinde.

      In reply to: Bush tucker harvest

      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Bun,

        We’ve already answered your query about the water requirements in our previous post. Check our reply to Adam here.

        In terms of soil pH, it depends on your chosen location. I found this fantastic resource regarding the soil map in North Queensland and the soil descriptions (which include the pH levels.)

        I hope this helps.


        Bun Huo

          Hi EWB Challenge team,
          I am here to ask about how water is traditionally used for farming bush tuckers, what is the PH of the area. How much water does it needed to cultivate it.

          Jean Aquinde

            Hi Fred,

            We’ve answered a similar question before, and you can check the post here. If you’re curious to find out what other students asked about this topic, do a quick search in the Discussion Forum search bar using the keyword bush tucker.

            We’ve talked about project scalability in our EWB Challenge FAQs, and it’s completely optional, depending on your project objectives. What opportunities do you see in designing different sizes of the nursery?

            A thing to keep in mind is that Dawul Wuru’s vision for the collective hub (where the nursery will be located) is to start small and then grow. The design brief also mentioned the interest in building the nursery on a small scale for community use.

            All the best with your project!


            fred braddock

              Hey there my group has a few questions,

              1. Do you know any resources that speak about the endangered bushtucker in the region
              2. in design area 6.1 should we include scaliability for the size of the nursary, specfically on the costs and required materials for different sizes

              Jean Aquinde

                Hi Wei,

                The bush tucker nursery will be part of the collective multi-purpose hub. I suggest you read Dawul Wuru’s Vision of a Collective Hub on Country, where they describe what the hub might look like and are keen on starting small and growing the space. With that in mind, we cannot specify the size of the nursery. The size and features of the nursery are open for design, including the average water requirement.

                In terms of location, we’ve answered a similar question here. I suggest you open the Interactives side by side to help you visualize the potential site for development.

                We’ve summarised the design considerations here, including the additional considerations for the Dawul Wuru and Yirrganydji Country context.

                I hope this helps.


                Wei Han Guok

                  Hey there, we’ve got some question regarding to water collection for bush tucker.
                  1) What is the size of nursery? Like Area.
                  2) What is the average water requirement for the nursery?
                  3) Where are the possible locations for the nursery?
                  4) Are there any natural features eg. Trees and rivers
                  5)What are some important consideration when building structures on Yirrganydji?

                  Jean Aquinde

                    Hi Hieu,

                    The rainwater harvesting system specified in project opportunity 6.1 is intended to support the bush tucker gardening within the hub. I suggest you read more about the Vision of a Collective Hub on Country to help you visualise how the rainwater harvesting system fits in the bigger picture.

                    May I know why you’re interested to know the house shape?


                    Hieu Nguyen

                      Dear EWB Challenge Team,

                      I am doing some researches about the Water Management category. And I would like to ask you about this specific project opportunity. Is this rainwater harvesting project supposed to be created for the Hub? Or is it designed for Yirrganydji’s houses?

                      Can I also ask you some images about Yirrganydji’s house shape and its appearance for us to see it more clearly?

                      Kind regards,
                      Hieu Nguyen


                      In reply to: Bush Tucker

                      Jean Aquinde

                        Hi Lakdinu,

                        There are many variables that can play in identifying how much water is needed for a bush tucker garden such as the type and variety of plants, size of the garden, existing weather condition and more.

                        This article suggests that during dry season, most plants need about 30mm of water each week and bush tuckers will probably need less.



                        In reply to: Bush Tucker

                        Lakdinu Nomal

                          How much average volume of water needed for a normal bush tucker garden per month?


                          In reply to: HUB locations

                          Ruth Cash

                            Hello, has the Dawul Wuru Corporation decided on a location for their main Hub site? (And/or) are they going to have satelite infrastructures in other areas too? An example would be a bush tucker nursery at a different site, as well as, or separate from, the main Hub site. My Design Area is 6 Water Management.


                            In reply to: Bush Tucker

                            Jean Aquinde

                              Hi Pingtzir and Sunil,

                              While bush tucker refers to any food native to Australia, including plants and animals, we’ve defined bush tucker as food from native plants in the project opportunities (4.1 and 4.2) under the Caring for the Land design area. Generally, native plants can be found in different habitats, including the coastal area.

                              In this case, food sources (oysters, fish, abalone, etc.) from the marine environment will likely fall under the Caring for the Sea design area.

                              You may want to check out the existing discussion about bush tuckers here. Alternatively, you may quickly search ‘bush tucker’ using the search bar provided on the Discussion Forum page.



                              In reply to: Bush Tucker

                              Sunil Jassal

                                Just to expand on Pingtzir’s question, we were just wondering if sources of food sources from marine ecosystems, such as oysters, fish, abalone and such, does that count as bushtucker?



                                In reply to: Bush Tucker

                                Jean Aquinde

                                  Hi Pingtzir,

                                  Just to clarify, do you mean bush tucker found near marine environment?


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