Reply To: 3.2 Improved Local Road Access in the Wet Season Questions

Saibai Island, TSIRC Infrastructure 3.2 Improved Local Road Access in the Wet Season Questions Reply To: 3.2 Improved Local Road Access in the Wet Season Questions

Mahadura Rovindu Tharin De Silva


    Concerning the project “Improved Local Road Access in the Wet Season”, we researched the local climate and the rain level in the wet season of Saibai Island for the project background section of our report. We wanted to know the exact situation of the unsealed roads during the wet season. However, we couldn’t conclude on it.

    Below are the questions we would like to receive answers to:

    1) During the wet season, do the island roads get only muddy, or do they get flooded by rainwater?

    2) If it gets flooded, then approximately how much does the water level rise from the soil level? How often does it get flooded?

    3) How often do king tides affect Saibai Island?

    4) During king tides, does the flood level rise? If so, approximately how much does the water level rise from the soil level?

    Above are the questions we have now regarding the rain level and flood level. The earliest response is highly appreciated.

    Thank you for being considerate!
    Kind Regards.