Reply To: How much will the tank be used?

Rachel Alford

    Hi Oliver,

    Which project are you working on? Depending on which kind of tank you’re referring to there is likely to be a difference in the frequency in which it is used (eg the tank for turtles is more likely to be used more frequently than the tank for dugongs). With that in mind, however, as you can imagine it is difficult to predict how often animals will need to be transported as it will vary.

    For your design, it is best to account for all different scenarios – if it needs to be used daily, how can you make the system cope? If it will only be used monthly, how can you make sure it is stored in a manner so that it will work when needed? 

    Accounting for these variables will put you in a good position to ensure that your design is practical and meets the needs of Dawul Wuru.

    In terms of laws/legislations, I recommend taking a look at Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements (TUMRA). Dawul Wuru have a TUMRA which can be found in our Resources section, and you can find out more information about these agreements in general from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (the GBRMPA will also help with general information about management on the GBR).

    Hope that helps, please let me know if you have any other questions!
