Reply To: The Central Lagoon

Saibai Island, TSIRC Water and Sanitation The Central Lagoon Reply To: The Central Lagoon

Jean Aquinde

    Hi Shivang,

    The metal fencing is used for perimeter security to restrict unauthorised access to the central lagoon. This protects the main water supply that serves the residents of Saibai. Unfortunately, we cannot confirm the exact material used and have no information about the cost of building it.

    Please have a look at the Sustainable Land Use Plan part 2, Section 6.1 Water, specifically Section 6.1.2 Overview of Current Situation (pg. 111). This document has a lot of helpful information about the capacity of the lagoon. You can find this in our Resources Section – TSIRC Publications.

    The TSIRC’s Disaster Management page contains links to the TSRA dashboard showing real-time heat stress risk, tides, current incidents, storm, flood, and cyclone warnings, and the Local Disaster Management Plan. Try to examine the surrounding land of the catchment area by looking at the TSIRC Saibai Island maps and see what could potentially contaminate or runoff to the water source in the event of flooding. You can also find this in our Resources Section – TSIRC Publications.

    While we don’t have data on the last upgrade of the water infrastructure, the document has stated that ‘all new infrastructure with a life of 10+ years should consider climate change risks now for function, design and location’, which we hope your team has thought about integrating into your design project.

    All the best in your project,
    Jean & Anthony