Reply To: Access to utilities

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Structures Access to utilities Reply To: Access to utilities

Rachel Alford

    Hi Jacob,

    Great question!

    Due to the proximity to Cairns/Port Douglas, many of the sites for a ranger base will have access to mains electricity and water. However, Dawul Wuru have expressed a desire to demonstrate best practice, minimise impact on Country and motivate others to take action on climate change, they have expressed a desire to have an sustainable, renewable energy source to power their operations. In their Vision for a Collective Hub, Dawul Wuru have expressed a desire to be off-grid, so any design choices that you make to support that vision are strongly encouraged.

    If you haven’t already, I recommend taking a look at the Energy and Water Management design areas which can give you some more information about Dawul Wuru’s aspirations in these spaces.

    Hope this helps, please reach out with any further questions!