Reply To: About Increasing natural disaster resilience of riverbank pump systems

Centre for Appropriate Technology Discussion Water management About Increasing natural disaster resilience of riverbank pump systems Reply To: About Increasing natural disaster resilience of riverbank pump systems

Luke Barbagallo

    Hi Zhang,

    Thanks for reaching out with your query.

    Firstly, I’d suggest that you review the CfAT interactive resources, as this will give further context as to where and how the pumps are currently situated. In the images and 360 interactive virtual tour, you’re able to see the various elements of the existing pump system, and from this, identify the weaker elements of the design in relation to flood. From here, you can start to ideate potential solutions.

    As flooding is seasonal, a degree of mobility and easy relocation of pump equipment out of the path of floodwaters on a seasonal basis could be worth exploring. However, as you can see in the interactive, some of the piping and pump infrastructure is static. It is a part of the Design Challenge to propose solutions to this challenge. It might also be valuable to troubleshoot some of your ideas with your tutors or academics.

