Reply To: Washdown station users, locations and current infrastructure

Centre for Appropriate Technology Discussion General discussion Washdown station users, locations and current infrastructure Reply To: Washdown station users, locations and current infrastructure

Luke Barbagallo

    Hey Sara,

    I’ve made some enquiries with our colleagues, and have got some additional information for you.

    The wash station that appears in the images in the design area is on a state road, and is at the time of staff visiting, it was not operational, and had not been operational for some time. As a state asset, it was their responsibility to maintain.
    This prompted this project brief; the community and rangers would like a solution that is cost effective to install, operate and maintain themselves, due to unreliability of existing solutions. Further, these wash stations would be likely placed at the entrance to lands in the control of local land orgs and councils, at the junction between state roads and local lands/roads.

    Our colleagues have also informed me that the wash stations, when they are functional, are not compulsory; in that, a motorist can drive past it without using it, as the stations are not staffed 24/7 if at all. This means that washing your vehicle is a voluntary form of compliance. Where voluntary compliance exists, it would be an appropriate assumption to make that the operators of a wash station would not be legally liable for the damage done by non-compliant vehicles.

    Hope this further information is helpful!
