Questions about Pu Ngaol Village

Mondulkiri, Cambodia General discussion Questions about Pu Ngaol Village

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Jean Aquinde.
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  • #7732
    Daniel Zhou

      Hi, for our engineering project we’re looking to find a solution for transport for those with disabilities in Pu Ngaol Village (more specifically lower limb impairment).

      There are few questions I was wondering, which could help in our report.

      – Has the number of people with disabilities increased in the village?
      – What is the average income and spendings per day/year?
      – When do villages usually travel to the markets?
      – Is there a list of available resources in the village + cost?

      Some of these questions might be tough to answer, but any information will help even if its not for one of these questions.


      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Daniel,

        To answer your questions:

        Has the number of people with disabilities increased in the village?
        > Probably not, as the villagers with disabilities were the result of land mine incidents a long time ago. For your design project, I suggest using the data we have captured in the brief.

        What is the average income and spending per day/year?
        > I have answered a similar question already in the Discussion Forum. Try typing ‘income’ in the Discussion Forum’s search bar or go directly to this link.

        When do villages usually travel to the markets?
        > We don’t have a definite answer, as this may vary from household to household. I encourage you to examine the villagers’ lifestyle and capacity to travel to markets.

        Is there a list of available resources in the village + cost?
        > Yes, please see our Resources section. We have a spreadsheet of this information.

        I hope this helps!

        Best of luck with your project,

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