Disaster Communication Chains in Saibai Island

Saibai Island, TSIRC ICT Disaster Communication Chains in Saibai Island

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  • #7680
    Md Rakib Hasan

      Hello everyone,

      We hope everyone is doing well. We are working on Design Area 6, Early Warning System. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been brainstorming efficient solutions. However, we are seeking information on the communication chain, which is crucial to prepare a good solution.

      According to Engineers Without Borders (2024), disaster communications chains currently utilize email to notify local authorities from centralized disaster monitoring facilities on the mainland.

      In the brief, it does not say anything about where the emails come from, which stakeholder is responsible for forecasting and sending the information to the local authorities. After conducting some research, we discovered that weather data for the Torres Strait Islands is forecasted by the Bureau of Meteorology under Queensland. We’ve also identified several stakeholders involved in disaster management, such as the Department of Emergency Services, District Disaster Coordinators, and Disaster Managers.

      However, we are still unsure about the flow of warning and alert information to the local authorities and communities. If anyone can help regarding this matter, we would highly appreciate that.

      Thank you so much in advance.

      Team HelpCode, University of Technology Sydney

      Sai Rupa Dev

        Hi Team,

        Love the thorough research, really impressive.

        Torres Strait Island Regional Council, HQ in Cairns is responsible for forecasting and sending information to their offices on the islands. From our understanding, they consolidate information from multiple sources, including BOM and communicate it to the local stakeholders. Hope that helps.


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