Current Energy Sources

Saibai Island, TSIRC Energy Current Energy Sources

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  • #7569
    Sunny Vorn

      Are solar panels or any source of renewable energy currently used on the Saibai Island, and how reliant is the community on these renewable energy sources?

      If solar panels are used, what kind of solar panels are used? How does the servicing of solar panels take place? What is done during rainy and cloudy seasons?

      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Sunny,

        In our design brief, we mentioned that ‘To supplement energy sourced from the power station, many residential and commercial buildings on Saibai are fitted with solar hot water systems.’ However, we don’t have any specific information about the extent of installation.

        Use of renewable sources of electricity was a viable option considered in Saibai for a long time. I suggest you do some background reading of the Sustainable Land Use Plan Part 2 Saibai (2012) uploaded in our Resources Section.

        There are also independent suppliers that have assessed the potential of solar panels in Sabai. Click here to see an example.

        I hope this helps.


        Alicia Vale

          Is there 3-phase power on the island currently in relation to the DC gensets which are currently powering the island or it is just 1-phase power?

          Thanks, Alicia

          Jean Aquinde

            Hi Alicia,

            Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific answer to your question yet. In the meantime, I have some recommended readings for you:

            This study (page 47) from James Cook University mapped the existing infrastructures in Saibai Island and provided some information related to Ergon Energy’s services.

            Also, check out the Sustainable Land Use Plan_Part 2 Saibai (2012) in our Resources section. It provided an overview of Saibai’s electricity infrastructure and proposed strategies to address existing issues.

            I hope this helps.


            Ellie Doyle


              With the current energy source of diesel-generators on Saibai, what does the distribution system look like for supplying energy to the community?

              What infrastructure is currently in place to support distributing this energy produced?

              Are the diesel-generators switched on manually or automatically when needed?

              Where are the current solar panels placed on Saibai, are they on households or on land?


              Jean Aquinde

                Hi Ellie,

                Please refer to the Sustainable Land Use Plan_Part 2 Saibai (2012), page 123 in our Resources section. There’s a detailed topic there about Saibai’s electricity infrastructure and perceived issues on installation of renewable energy sources.

                I hope this helps.


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