Reply To: Questions about Pu Ngaol Village

Mondulkiri, Cambodia General discussion Questions about Pu Ngaol Village Reply To: Questions about Pu Ngaol Village

Jean Aquinde

    Hi Daniel,

    To answer your questions:

    Has the number of people with disabilities increased in the village?
    > Probably not, as the villagers with disabilities were the result of land mine incidents a long time ago. For your design project, I suggest using the data we have captured in the brief.

    What is the average income and spending per day/year?
    > I have answered a similar question already in the Discussion Forum. Try typing ‘income’ in the Discussion Forum’s search bar or go directly to this link.

    When do villages usually travel to the markets?
    > We don’t have a definite answer, as this may vary from household to household. I encourage you to examine the villagers’ lifestyle and capacity to travel to markets.

    Is there a list of available resources in the village + cost?
    > Yes, please see our Resources section. We have a spreadsheet of this information.

    I hope this helps!

    Best of luck with your project,