Reply To: 3.3 Low resource building techniques and materials

Saibai Island, TSIRC Infrastructure 3.3 Low resource building techniques and materials Reply To: 3.3 Low resource building techniques and materials

Jean Aquinde

    Hi Randall,

    According to this resource from TSRA – Torres Strait Sustainable Land Use Plan, Part 2 Saibai:

    “Houses located in the village are generally one storey, but are on stumps that elevates the house to the equivalent of a two-storey building.

    Older houses and community facilities are generally one storey at ground level. Recent homes are generally, slab-on-ground open ground level, with the dwelling elevated on stumps and timber construction.”

    Also, make sure to explore the Gallery section of Design Area 3 – Infrastructure, as we have some close-up photos there of the houses and other Council-managed facilities.

    I hope this helps!
