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Student work shared back with EWB Australia is reviewed by our team of industry volunteers, who provide insight and comments based on the program rubric and their own sector experience. The scores from industry reviewers determine teams invited to present their work at the annual EWB Challenge Series Showcase and provide valuable feedback to EWB and our university partners.

Below are examples of reports which received strong positive feedback and demonstrate how different student teams have successfully approached EWB Challenge project briefs in the past.

The 2023 – 2024 EWB Challenge is delivered in collaboration with EWB Australia’s Engineering team in Cambodia. It focuses on Pu Ngaol village (pronounced ‘pu now’) in Mondulkiri province. Student design ideas will support EWB’s Engineering team and their work on the ground in Mondulkiri province, which aims to improve the lives of rural Cambodian people.

In 2022 – 2023, the EWB Challenge design brief supported the Yirrganydji people in sustaining their well-being, culture, and care for their rainforest and coastal land and sea Country between Cairns and Port Douglas in Far North Queensland through a partnership with Dawul Wuru. 

  • Nursery for cultivating bush tucker – detailed comparison of design options using well-defined and logical criteria that take into consideration the appropriateness of the solution for the local context (1b)
  • Catching Kunyarra – detailed description of the local materials used; detailed explanation is given as to how materials and resources will be obtained and transported to location in a manner that minimises negative impacts (2e)
  • Using Modern Technology to Track Crocodiles – detailed comparison of design options using well-defined and logical criteria that take into consideration the appropriateness of the solution for the local context, good documentation (1b); excellent application of fundamentals in a logical and a highly relevant manner (1c)

In 2020 the EWB Challenge design brief considered appropriate technology to support Traditional Owners living and thriving on homelands and outstations, with a focus on CfAT’s work with communities in the Cape York region of Far North Queensland.

Because the context is being revisited in 2021, only example segments of reports are provided here in addition to their summary that address particular aspects of the program rubric strongly.

In 2019 the EWB Challenge design brief focused on WaterAid Timor-Leste’s work with communities across Suco Holarua, in the Manufahi District of Timor-Leste. Read more about:

  • Seeds for the Future – a holistic approach to seed harvesting, storage and management
  • Jaz-Mine – hygienic, environmentally friendly menstrual hygiene management practices
  • Bamboo Revolver – grey-water treatment system in Timor-Leste

The 2018 EWB Challenge program was delivered in partnership withthe Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT), a local NGO focused on community development and natural resource management throughout the northeast of Cambodia. The EWB Challenge design brief focused on CRDT’s work with three adjacent communities along the Mekong River in the Sambo District of Kratie Province. Read more from:

In 2017 the EWB Challenge focused on developing engineering and technical solutions to support community development across the east coast of Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu, in partnership with Live and Learn. Community-identified projects were themed into water, sanitation and hygiene, energy, farming and food production, shelter, waste management, ict, transportation, and conservation, with particular consideration given to the potential for income generating activities. Read more from: