Some of the information on this page is outdated. Over the next few months, we’ll be refreshing the content to ensure it’s accurate and up to date with current best practice. In the meantime, please keep this in mind while browsing. Thanks for your patience!
In this section you’ll find a series of resources that will help you explore key concepts related to your EWB Challenge Series project. While these resources are specifically aimed at students working through an EWB Challenge topic, you’ll likely find the contents useful regardless of your year level or engineering discipline.
Use the links below to explore a selection of development approaches and values that underpin the way we work at Engineers Without Borders Australia. The intent of these pages is to provide an introduction to a variety of development concepts and a starting point from which you might explore further.
We encourage you to think about how you might demonstrate all or some of these approaches in your own design proposal, to ensure it’s as relevant and exciting as possible to your key stakeholders.
We’ve found many student teams come up against similar big questions when trying to develop design ideas that are innovative, community-centred, and clearly address the Design Brief.
Use the link below to explore how you can think through some of these big questions as you progress your design proposal from initial idea to final submission. You’ll almost always find there is no one right answer, and we acknowledge this can be challenging! However, it is also a huge opportunity to understand and practice the skills and mindsets you will be asked to bring to your engineering career.