Water Cost Annually

Saibai Island, TSIRC Water and Sanitation Water Cost Annually

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  • #8790
    Joshua Christopher Witono

      Hi, I’m Joshua,

      I just wanted to ask about how much the water fee is annually on Saibai Island. I found a website that contains the Access Water fee ($240.50 per year) and the Volumetric access charge, which was 0.00%. This was a little confusing to me because if this is true, that means that there are essentially no water fees other than the access charge.

      Is this true?

      Anthony Brady

        Hi Joshua,

        Yes, that’s correct. For residential properties in the Torres Strait islands (including Saibai Island), water access is charged at $240.50 per property annually, and there is no charge per kilolitre for usage.

        As per the design brief, TSIRC are not a rates-based council. This means that they typically do not primarily rely on general property rates or levies (waste collection, drainage, water, sewage) as their main source of revenue, unlike most other local governments. Instead, these councils typically receive funding from alternative sources such as Government Grants & Subsidies. TSIRC however do charge some annual costs, such as the Access Water fee.

        If you haven’t already (and for any other students curious on this topic), please see the resources below:
        TSIRC, Fees & Charges
        TSIRC, Performance Reports 2023-2024

        Hope that helps!


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