Number of Buildings

Saibai Island, TSIRC Infrastructure Number of Buildings

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago by Jean Aquinde.
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  • #8083
    Dylan Stam

      Hello there,
      I am representing Mackay Team 1 from CQU. We are focusing on design area 4.1: Clean, affordable energy for small coastal urban environments. We would like to know how many households and businesses (including waste treatment plant, school and hospital) there are on Saibai as of 2024 to be able to properly calculate energy consumption for the report. We have used the census to find the households but cannot find the number of businesses to accurately determine energy consumption.

      Thankyou, Dylan

      Dylan Stam

        I would also like to ask if there is any specific information about the power infrastructure in regards to how many power poles there currently are and how many linear metres of power cables there are on Saibai.

        Jean Aquinde

          Hi Dylan,

          There’s a list of facilities in TSIRC’s website where you can refer to. A good resource to pair with this is the Saibai Community Booklet.

          I hope this helps!


          Jean Aquinde

            Hi Dylan,

            Unfortunately, we can’t find any specific information on the existing number of power poles and length of power cables in Saibai Island. The township strip or area is visible in Google Maps and Google Earth. To determine the approximate length of the serviceable facilities across the town, I suggest that you use the measuring tools available in the app.

            I hope this helps.


            Hoang Minh Luu

              Hi, not sure if you guys still need it but the electrical reticulation cable length in Saibai is 4500. Australia regulation said that power poles should be no more than 45m apart so I would assume that there are 100 power poles

              Jean Aquinde

                Hi Hoang,

                Thanks for sharing that info to the forum! 🙂
                I’m sure other students will still find this useful.


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