Mudder Boots

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  • #4394
    Colin Brownie

      Hi team,

      Our project is on the mudder boot and we were hoping to get some more information on what parts of the boots sustain the most damage.
      How long do they normally last?
      Any description of or better still, pictures of damaged boots would be helpful for our design.


      Rachel Alford

        Hi Colin,

        Great questions!

        Unfortunately we can’t provide a specific timeframe about how long they last, because it really is dependent on a number of factors, including how often they are used, how long they are used in a single stint, the depth of mud etc. Dawul Wuru have reported that they split fairly soon and they have been doing DIY reinforcements to make them last longer. From this, you can determine that the current life span of the boots is insufficient for Dawul Wuru’s use.

        The area that gets the most damage (tearing) the fastest is the back panel of the boot, more specifically the triangular webbing parts on the corners of the back panel.

        I hope this helps! Please reach out if you have any further questions or need anything clarified.


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