Housing Information

Mondulkiri, Cambodia Structures Housing Information

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  • #6596
    Matthew Harrington

      Hi there,
      Our group is working on termite proof housing and were wondering whether you could give us information on the housing in the Pu Ngoal village. Any type of information surrounding the infrastructure of the houses in the village would be great. This includes number of stilts per house on avg, type of materials used, mass of house, height of stilts above ground. Also the soil type surrounding the houses.

      Thanks you

      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Matthew,

        We’ve got plenty of resources available to help you identify the critical elements related to Pu Ngaol villagers’ housing structure and situation. I suggest you check the following before you research further: a) Design Area 6 – Structures Gallery section (with detailed captions of materials) b) Interactives: 360° Site Walkthroughs (you’ll see houses in 3D and zoom to different structures in the house, including the stilts) and c) Design Area 6 – Structures Additional Information section (there’s a lot of recommended readings).

        To check the soil type in the area, check Map 8 of the Technical Report on Mondul Kiri Provincial Spatial Plan (2020 – 2040) by The Provincial Committee for Land Management and Urban Planning.

        I hope this helps.


        • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Jean Aquinde.
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