Cultural Significance

Mondulkiri, Cambodia Water supply Cultural Significance

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Jean Aquinde.
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  • #6880
    Madelin Burnau

      Is there any known cultural or social significance of process of going to the river to collect water? For example, is it a vital part of villagers days that would be missed? Do children play with neighbors while parents collect water; do women take pride in providing water for their homes? All in all is the act of going to the river something that would be missed or is more a nuisance to collect water daily.

      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Madelin,

        The start of the year was hectic — I apologise for the late reply.
        To the best of our knowledge, there is no known cultural significance in the water collection process.

        This article from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) highlights the role of women in the context of water and sanitation:

        “In Cambodia, the responsibility for a household’s water, sanitation, and hygiene typically rests with women. Mothers are responsible for children’s hygiene and access to safe sanitation.”

        The villagers rely heavily on natural water collection to supply their daily household needs. Although it’s a laborious task, women take this responsibility while their partners (expected as primary income earners) are away working in farms and forests. At the same time, instead of buying water, it allows them to save money and allocate their family budget to other family priorities, such as their children’s education.

        Because of community kinship, it’s acceptable for children to be looked after by their neighbours while their parents are out doing chores. Depending on their children’s age, other women may also bring their children with them to help them collect water.

        I hope this helps.


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