Containerisation, Transport. and/or waste management hub?

Saibai Island, TSIRC Waste Management Containerisation, Transport. and/or waste management hub?

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  • #7343
    Zacharie Etienne

      Under the Logistics project opportunity, it says:

      The current need for tightly lidded bins that meet biosecurity compliance obligations conflicts with efficient stacking during shipping, contributing to high operational costs. Developing innovative containerisation methods that align with biosecurity measures and exploring alternative methods of transportation present significant opportunities for improved waste management on Saibai.

      Likewise, an integrated waste management hub on Saibai that incorporates sorting and preliminary treatment facilities could improve logistics by sending only processed or compacted waste to mainland facilities.

      Do we have to choose between improving the containerisation/transportation measures, OR the integrated waste management hub? Or do we find solutions to both?

      Thank you

      • This topic was modified 1 year ago by Zacharie Etienne. Reason: format
      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Zacharie,

        The scope of work is really up to you! Depending on where you want to focus your design, you can zoom into one topic or extend your solution by addressing both.

        Make sure to check the Design Considerations page to guide you in your selection process.


        Harry Latham

          Hi Jean,
          It says “tightly lidded bins that meet biosecurity compliance obligations”

          Do you know where I can find where these biosecurity obligations are, because all I have managed to find is it needs to be inspected and certain things can’t be transported but nothing in regards to how it needs to be shipped.

          Kind regards,
          Harry Latham

          Jean Aquinde

            Hi Harry,

            From my quick search, I found these resources that might help you research further. It doesn’t say ‘tightly lidded bins’ explicitly but it covers the requirements when selecting receptacles:

              Moving goods to, from and within Torres Strait
              Biosecurity requirements for removing commercial and construction waste from Torres Strait


            • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by Jean Aquinde.
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