Any transcripts of interviews/discussions?

Mondulkiri, Cambodia General discussion Any transcripts of interviews/discussions?

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  • #6365
    Bryce Sharples

      The human element is crucial when considering any solution designed to be used by people. Whilst there is resources, background etc – it would be fantastic to actually hear what they say, specifically on any pain points or anything in particular that is emotionally relevant to them.
      Transcripts of interviews would be a really great resource (videos would be great too but due to language and privacy concerns I can understand if they aren’t made accessible).
      This would really help in developing solutions that would address areas they feel are the most important – and would be relevant in particular to adoption (greater pain/pleasure provides more of an incentive).
      Thanks so much 🙂

      • This topic was modified 2 years ago by Bryce Sharples.
      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Bryce,

        It’s great that you are off to a good start in the design process, which is empathising with the users. It is indeed critical that the human element is considered when designing a solution for the community. EWB conducted participatory workshops with the the Pu Ngaol villagers to understand their strengths, needs, challenges and aspirations. Most of the raw transcripts are in Khmer, and we tried our best to capture their pain and delight points in the whiteboard notes of the Community Meeting Hall. Have you come across that in the Interactives: 360 Site Walkthroughs? There are also video snippets within the Interactives where we engaged a translator during one-on-one informal interviews with the villagers. To deepen your understanding of what’s important to them, I highly recommend watching the videos where we followed some villagers’ daily routines.

        All the best,

        Bryce Sharples

          Thanks for the help Jean – I did manage to come across a few interviews in the form of “what does a day look like for you” but must’ve missed the videos! Just found them, thanks for the help!

          Jean Aquinde

            You’re welcome Bryce, glad you found them! 🙂

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