1.4 Transportable Ranger Base

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Structures 1.4 Transportable Ranger Base

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  • #4224
    Zachariah Vojnovic

      Hi there,

      Does vehicle parking have to be enclose eg. shed, or just under cover from the weather?

      Look forward to hearing from you,
      Zachariah vojnovic

      Rachel Alford

        Hi Zachariah,

        Great question! Currently Dawul Wuru’s vehicles are parked under cover rather than in an enclosed space, however if you were proposing this in your new ranger base design you would need to justify why it is appropriate. Some considerations to keep in mind are the weather, proximity to ocean and the impacts this would have on the vehicles (as currently Dawul Wuru’s office is a bit more inland than the potential sites for the ranger base) and security.

        Let me know if you need any further information!


        Nathan Barrington

          Hi EWB,
          I have a couple questions for the layout of the transportable ranger base office. How many enclosed offices would Dawul Wuru like or do they prefer the open cubicle style? Also is there a preferred amount of meeting rooms? How many people would likely use the meeting room at any one time?
          Thank you

          Rachel Alford

            Hi Nathan,

            Thanks for your questions! These are all decisions that you will need to make for your design, based on the information that Dawul Wuru have provided about their aspirations for the ranger base.

            The page Vision for a Collective Hub on Country provides some insight into the values of the organisation, which you will need to use to justify your design choices in your project report. For example, Dawul Wuru have highlighted that a connection to Country is really important for them – how can the office space in the ranger base incorporate that value and provide the best outcome for Dawul Wuru?

            In terms of numbers, Dawul Wuru currently employs 17 people. You can assume that for indoor meetings there would be no more than 20 people using a room at a time.

            Essentially, based on what you have learned about Dawul Wuru and the Yirrganydji community, you will need to make informed design choices which support their vision and get the best outcomes for the ranger base.

            Please let me know if you have any other questions!


            Emilia Schiller


              Just wondering what is the expected area the base is to reside on in square meters.


              Jean Aquinde

                Hi Emilia,

                At the minimum, the ranger base should accommodate at least 20 people using a room at a time. See Rachel’s reply in this thread last year for more context. Dawul Wuru didn’t specify any measurement for the ranger base. We’ll leave the decision-making to you as long as it’s fit for purpose and you’ve also considered the design considerations we’ve outlined in this challenge.

                All the best,

                • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Jean Aquinde.
                • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Jean Aquinde.
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