Reply To: Weather Data

Saibai Island, TSIRC ICT Weather Data Reply To: Weather Data

Jean Aquinde

    Hi Carla,

    Upon checking TSIRC’s Disaster Management page, they are reliant on the Bureau of Meteorology’s weather data. In the AIMS’ website, the existing weather stations in the Torres Strait are located on Bramble Cay, Masig Island and Thursday Island, which clearly suggests that the weather station on Saibai Island is not operational.

    We couldn’t confirm how the information is being processed from these three weather stations to reflect Saibai’s readings. However, it may be a good exercise for your team to compare the readings from these stations and also it might be worth checking the weather of the nearest Papua New Guinea island to Saibai Island. I’m curious if you can find a trend and probably use it to make assumptions for your project.

    I found some detailed information on TSIRC’s website regarding the Tidal Gauge Project in 2021.

    I hope this helps!
