Reply To: Budgeting

Saibai Island, TSIRC General discussion Budgeting Reply To: Budgeting

Sai Rupa Dev

    Hi Rebekah,

    Great questions:

    1. Assuming Government/External Funding:
    – Reasonableness: It is reasonable to suggest a design that assumes government or external funding, provided your project aligns with broader development goals, such as TSIRC’s identified priorities.
    Impact and Income generation: If your design could generate income in the future or make significant impact on the community, this can strengthen the case for funding. Projects that are financially sustainable or contribute to economic development are attractive to funders.

    2. Who is expected to pay for implementation
    Saibai community: For smaller, community specific initiatives, the Saibai community or the council might contribute to funding, particularly if the project directly benefits them
    Government: For larger scale projects, particularly those thataddresses infrastructure or essential services, it’s common to expect government support.
    External funding: If your projects addresses issues of broader significance or interconnectedness, maybe NGOs, private donors, International organisations could be an option.

    TLDR: Considering government or external funding in your design is reasonable and strategic if you can demonstrate long term benefits and what challenges/opportunities it addresses. Check out this page as well