Reply To: CQU Project – Transportable and Scalable Clean Energy System

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Energy CQU Project – Transportable and Scalable Clean Energy System Reply To: CQU Project – Transportable and Scalable Clean Energy System

Jean Aquinde

    Hi Dom,

    Have you checked our EWB Challenge FAQs? I recommended this to Chloe previously. In the first part of that resource, we touched on how to approach the scalability of projects.

    I can see how these two solutions might scale your design, and I imagine a reliable energy storage system is essential to your overall strategy. We’d like to see how your team compare these two options in a structured manner. Look at this great example in a 2020 report where the group created a design decision matrix.

    To help you define your design criteria, make sure you review the Design Considerations we’ve outlined.

    I hope we have provided you with enough information to move forward. 😊

    All the best,

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Jean Aquinde.