Reply To: energy requirements

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Energy energy requirements Reply To: energy requirements

Rachel Alford

    Hi Syed,

    Great question that unfortunately does not have a clear answer!

    Dawul Wuru have identified an aspiration to be off grid, so ideally your solution would be able to power their Hub facilities and all operations within.

    However, the Hub has not yet been built so there is no way to identify the exact energy usage required, instead you will have to make some assumptions. I would recommend taking a look at Dawul Wuru’s Vision of a Collective Hub to see what kind of activities and appliances would need to operate from there, and use that as a guide for power needs. For thinking of energy budgets, a good resource you can look at is the Centre for Appropriate Technology’s Bushlight Community Energy Planning Model and Case Studies, which highlight energy budgets according to community needs.  I’d also recommend taking a look at average household/office consumption of energy and using that as a guide too. As mentioned, there is no definite answer here, so making assumptions is absolutely fine as long as you document these in your report.

    Additionally, a key part of this design is that it is a scalable clean energy system. One unit of your design does not necessarily need to cover all the energy needs for Dawul Wuru, rather it should be modular and be able to be scaled up or down as needed. For example, you may design a solution that can provide 10kWh/day, but if it later transpires that Dawul Wuru needs 20kWh/day then can your design be scaled up to meet these needs (for example by implementing two units instead of one).

    Our FAQ: Big Tricky Questions document talks about making assumptions as well as scaling designs, so you may find this helpful.

    I hope this has been useful, please reach out if you have any further questions!