Reply To: Cyclone Considerations for Structures

Centre for Appropriate Technology Discussion Structures Cyclone Considerations for Structures Reply To: Cyclone Considerations for Structures

Rachel Alford

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your questions!

    Yes, design structures inland should still consider the impacts of cyclones, however the impacts on structures may be reduced depending on how far inland they are and the intensity of the cyclone. In saying that, cyclones have also historically crossed the Cape York peninsula in its entirety, re-strengthening once it hits the ocean again, so communities inland have experienced cyclones. The Bureau of Meteorology has some great data on historical cyclones in the area where you can track their path and intensity as they cross the Cape York peninsula to give you an idea of what communities living there experience which you can incorporate into your design.

    I’d also encourage you to take a look at building standard guidelines in Queensland, such as this document, which outline the differing requirements of cyclone preparedness depending on location in Queensland.

    You should also take into consideration other weather events such as heat and flooding, alongside cyclones to ensure that your design is appropriate and resilient for the Cape York context.

    I hope this has helped!
