Reply To: Kerbside Rubbish Collection

Grace Roberts

    Hi Karla,

    Well done on finding that out that some communities on the Cape have curbside collection in your research. As the focus for the CfAT Challenge is homelands and outstations on the Cape York peninsula though, I’d suggest you assume that none of these areas of focus will have curbside rubbish collection due to their level of remoteness and being sparsely populated with significant distances between them. I wonder if the areas you found that had curbside rubbish collection were in towns on the Cape in more urban areas.

    The current systems that are common for these remote areas for waste management is generally incineration (burning) done by households themselves, or landfill at certain dump sites. You can view one of these sites in the ‘Explore a returned homeland‘ interactive also accessed via our Resources page if you haven’t already.

    Hope that helps, and best of luck!