Each semester the EWB Challenge team runs several events to support you and your students to deliver the program.
We invite teaching teams at all universities to our online academic workshops that are run near the start of each semester. We give you an overview of the EWB Challenge, hear more about the partner and the context, be guided through available resources, and get a deeper understanding of the design areas and key design considerations. They’re also a great way to connect with our network of academics participating in the EWB Challenge across Australia and New Zealand.
How to book: Course coordinators are emailed prior to the start of semester with workshop options to register for and share amongst their teaching team. You can also register individually or on behalf of others in your teaching team using the registration links below.
If you can’t make an available time slot listed, contact us to set up another time for your teaching team.
An online recorded student introductory presentation for your classes are included in the program package for each university. These are designed for a 45 min or longer lecture slot and generally include the following components.
How to book live sessions: Course coordinators are to follow the link in your registration confirmation email you received near to the start of semester, or contact us directly at ewbchallenge@ewb.org.au
Talk to us about any tailored changes we can make to the live presentation format for you. Academics from Strategic University Partners may choose to contact us to arrange an additional tailored event for their students.
We encourage universities to use a pre-recorded student introductory presentation (exact same format as live version) . The links are available in the Resources section of each Challenge context.
In addition to student introductory presentations each semester, we also run value-add sessions online for students and academics from all our participating universities to attend. These are typically run mid-way through semester. In the past this has included: careers panels, workshops on EWB’s approach to community engagement, special guest events, and stakeholder Q&A’s with professional staff at EWB relating to student design projects.
We’ll email the course coordinators with information on these events when they are released.
In December each year EWB runs a Challenge Series Showcase where the top student teams from across Australia and New Zealand are invited to present their work back to EWB and our partner organisation.
Course coordinators will be emailed once event details are confirmed and the top student teams will be invited once we have finalised marking from our team industry reviewers.
Have any feedback on these events and workshops?
Want an event advertised here relevant to the EWB Challenge?
We’re always looking for effective ways to improve both the academic and student experience, so drop us a line at ewbchallenge@ewb.org.au