5.1 – Application of Traditional Knowledge

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Caring for Sea Country 5.1 – Application of Traditional Knowledge

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 months ago by Jean Aquinde.
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  • #6740
    Kyle Sonnenberg


      Our team has picked challenge 5.1 to design a tank for the transport of injured dugong. My research has highlighted the importance of using the Traditional Knowledge of Elders as the foundation for design which should be supplemented with Western technology.

      Brian Singleton mentions in an introductory video of the Interactive section that the Sea Rangers have an Elder on staff as a Ranger. Is it possible to have one of the EWB staff inquire about the Traditional Knowledge they may possess that could serve as the foundation for the retrieval and securing of an injured dugong?

      Capture myopathy and the movement of the dugong into a tank are my critical concerns at the moment and I believe a design based on Traditional Knowledge may help to alleviate the stress of the animal.

      I would not expect the direct knowledge to be divulged to me, but perhaps important practices, techniques, or considerations would help. Reports I looked through mentioned that such Traditional Knowledge is at risk of disappearing because of the inability to practice, so if possible, I want to consider a design that would help to facilitate this.

      Thank you.

      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Kyle,

        It’s great that you’re trying to embed the Traditional Knowledge in your design. We can reach out to DWAC and see if they have any information that might influence your design. This activity may take about a week or more.

        Have you browsed the Yirrganydyi Traditional Use of Marine Resource Agreement (TUMRA) and the Yirrganydyi Sea Country Plan in the Resources section? You can quote interesting sections in your report to strengthen your research.

        The TUMRA outlines how Yirrganydji Traditional Owners will protect cultural and heritage values, conserve biodiversity and enhance the resilience of the Great Barrier Reef while also highlighting the importance of supporting and recognising the leadership, responsibilities and management roles of Traditional Owners over their lands and waters.

        The Sea Country plan was developed so that people could better understand what it means to the Yirrganydji people, their concerns about their Country, and how they need to be addressed.

        We’ll update this post as soon as we get more information from Dawul Wuru.


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