The C.R.A.P.P.E.R – The Rotating composting Toilet

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Waste & reuse The C.R.A.P.P.E.R – The Rotating composting Toilet

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  • #6425
    Carlie Weary

      I am researching potential composting toilets for use on Yirrganydji Country. I have come across a great design that has an obscure acronym as its name. The CRAPPER stands for – Composting, Rotating, Aerobic, Pollution Prevention Excreta Reducer. Acronym aside, as I say, it is quite a good design. I was wondering though if you could shed some insight as to whether this name might be considered offensive??
      Thanks in advance

      Jean Aquinde

        Hi Carlie,

        Your inquiry made me curious! And so, I researched what CRAPPER is all about. It is indeed a great design and inspiration for a compact toilet. Crapper is a slang word for toilet; if used in its context, it wouldn’t sound offensive.

        While exploring your options, make sure to incorporate these additional design considerations for Dawul Wuru and Yirrganydji Country context : protecting Country, flexibility, transportability, and seasonality.

        Good luck with your further research!


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