Reply To: Impact on country of existing approaches

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Caring for Sea Country Impact on country of existing approaches Reply To: Impact on country of existing approaches

Rachel Alford

    Hi Madeleine,

    Great question, it’s fantastic to see that you’re trying to understand what might be the most appropriate solution for the community!

    Some established aquaculture processes can cause negative impacts on the environment, and Dawul Wuru are interested in minimising any impact of this kind on Country. I’d recommend doing some broader research into aquaculture processes and some of the concerns around it – this ABC News video gives a brief insight into a proposed barramundi farm near Darwin and briefly outlines some of the concerns and is a good starting point for some wider research.

    In addition to the desire to minimise impact on Country, there is also another important desire from Dawul Wuru regarding this project, which is to use traditionally inspired aquaculture as a way for their younger generation to connect with Country and culture, as well as using it as an educational opportunity for future generations of Yirrganydji people.

    I hope this helps, please reach out with any further questions!