Reply To: 1.8 retaining walls

Dawul Wuru Aboriginal Corporation Structures 1.8 retaining walls Reply To: 1.8 retaining walls

Rachel Alford

    Hi Thomas,

    Great questions! 

    Yes, erosion control on Dungarra is of the most interest to Dawul Wuru as the erosion along the riverbank has been identified. You can use Dungarra as a context case study for your design, but if your design can be adaptable to other places along the Barron River, that is advantageous too. 

    After speaking with our contact at Dawul Wuru, they mentioned that there is no particular location where the erosion is more significantly more severe, however they are the most concerned about the erosion near the river banks closer to the mouth of the river, as there are nearby residential areas that have higher risk of potential damage. If you take a look at the Dungarra interactive, in the location named “River (bollards)” you can see that some of the trees have been uprooted due to the erosion there. 

    In terms of data, we don’t have any specifically available but we encourage you to research online and see if you can find any mapping or reports of erosion in the area. You can also assume that the erosion shown in the interactives at Dungarra is the more severe undercutting at the moment, and use what you can see in the interactives to base your design on. I would also encourage you to think longer term with your design too – if the erosion was to become more severe in the future, would your design still work, or are there adaptations that would need to be made to it? 

    I hope this helps, please reach out with any further questions!
