Dishwashers and separate freezer units

Centre for Appropriate Technology Discussion Waste and reuse Dishwashers and separate freezer units

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Grace Roberts.
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  • #2778
    isaac Roach

      The adoption rate of Dishwashers is lower in regional areas so was wondering if this trend was similar across Cape York, I have found some data indicating the national average for regional australia was 48% of households but I am presuming this would likely be significantly less in Cape York? Secondly, is it likely that a number of households have a fridge and then a separate drop freezer for longer term storage of goods during the wet season?

      Grace Roberts

        Hi Isaac,

        Thanks for your questions. Yes, you can assume that there is lower dishwasher use across Cape York than the national average. Apart from dishwashers being relatively costly for residents with generally lower socio-economic backgrounds, there is also often water insecurity on homelands and outstations that don’t have access to mains water particularly in the dry season so that’s another reason why dishwashers may not be ideal in the context as they consume more water.

        And to your second question, yes there would likely be at least a fridge and a separate chest freezer for long term storage of perishable foods like meat, vegetables and bread – either due to poor road access to grocery stores during the wet season, long distances to major centres so they do bulk food shopping to these where prices are more affordable, or due to being off their property for months at a time at certain times of the year.

        Hope that helps, good luck with your project!

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